Tuesday, February 5, 2013


New Years was so awesome. In retrospect to my last New Years Eve Party of watching movies and eating popcorn with my mom, it wouldn't have been difficult to top that but I actually did have an epic New Years with no comparisons needed. So my host mom (I am with my 2nd family at this point, more about them later) told me I could invite two friends to come over on the 31st since we were having a huge party. Well, what better people to invite than exchange students?

I invited my friend, Aarohi, from India and my friend, Amanda, a fellow USAer, (who keeps a much more organized and well updated blog which you should read - http://le-beret-rouge.blogspot.fr/). We had a great timebefore the party. We walked to a bar and ordered Nutella hot chocolate (we bad), we played the ukelele and sang our hearts out (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPklDMAlZSQ). I gave Aarohi and Amanda gigantic makeovers that left them looking even more stunning than before, which i didn't know was possible! We talked about how fat we were getting while we ate English Muffins smothered in Nutella, butter, and coated with sugar and than we went downstairs and took a million beautiful, composed pictures because that's what teenage girls do, and if you think your teenage daughter takes a lot of photos, you've obviously never seen exchange students get around a camera.

I accidentally mistook a confetti ball for candy and tried to eat it; I also chewed through a glowstick and ended up with bright green, glowing saliva. Nice!  There was at least 40 kids and adults and we were dancing our asses behinds off (good thing because confetti and glowstick goes strait to the butt, I've heard) and one of the most memorable moments was when my little sister asked me to teach them all a cheer from when I used to be a cheerleader. (everyone laughs when I tell them that). So I taught them all the simplest cheer they could remember and I sang the words for them and we jumped up and down, all 40 of us, shaking our invisible pompoms and high kicking, doing the cheer over and over and over again. It was such an experience. You had to be there, though. My French was at its peak and I conversed with everyone more easily than I had in my life.I set a timer and at 10 seconds to 12, I started a count down, my first ever in French!, and everyone joined me.

My friends and I didn't have any boys to French kiss (get it!?) but it didn't matter because we quickly found out we were highly expected to give every single person in the room the bisous and my cheeks had never gotten so much attention. At 5am, me, Aarohi and Amanda happily trooped upstairs with our bellies full of oysters and a chocolate fountain and glow stick and confetti. What a night.

(Also, did you notice a used a lot of parentheses in this blog entry?)

Yes. I copied and pasted that because I had no idea how to spell it.

I'm going now.
Check back soon.

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